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Living in a community is both a responsibility and an opportunity. You have the responsibility to keep your property maintained to enhance the value of the neighborhood. You have the opportunity to make great friends and to shape your community for years to come.

Children are our future

WEE believe all children deserve an education that will help them reach their greatest potential and prepare them for life. Our support goes to programs that provide students the instruction, resources and support they need to succeed. WEE believes all children deserve access to a quality education to help them achieve their greatest potential, help them become good community citizens and prepare them for the workforce.

Elderly Support

WEE support older people by giving time and practical help to help them get the best from life. Our volunteers – ordinary men and women of all ages and ethnicities – love spending time with the older people. Through them, WEE want to help create a society where everyone feels valued and involved whatever their age.

Clothing for the Homeless

Our goal is to meet the necessary needs of the homeless population with adequate clothing for the different seasons and elements of weather. We also want to provide decent, clean clothing to give these people a boost in their already low self esteem. This will help in scheduling and appearing at interviews if they look presentable.We believe with the amount of clothing that is thrown away every day there is no reason people are going without decent, basic clothing.Our goal is to distribute them to the people who are in need and not drop them off somewhere thinking it will get done.

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